Monday, May 18, 2009

2nd Childhood Revisited Art Show Pictures

Thank you to all the artists and everyone that made it out to the show. I had an amazing night.
Check out Steve's website for more pictures of the show.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Code Name: Wheels

This is the other piece that I did for the show. I did a few more pieces but this was the only one that I thought was ready to be shown.

When I was younger, I always enjoyed the paintings of the character on the toy box. They would always be striking some dynamic pose with this explosion in the background.  I thought it would be funny to have a lazy, drunk, and crippled (not necessarily crippled from war but more from extreme laziness and alcoholism) hero that is the opposite of all the drama that the toy package art tries to create.

Not everyone can be the perfect hero.